How I Doubled My Client List with 2 Simple 'Tricks'
Recently, I had the realization that sometimes, simple things done really well can produce big results. All you need is communication and consistency.
I’ve been taking a look back at why and how I am gaining new clients and getting more calls left and right — what am I doing that results in others reaching out to me for advice? I’ve been fortunate to make a lot of great connections this year, and not just for my business.
It boils down to communication. My level of communication has increased dramatically over the past year, whether getting advice, giving advice, or building my network in so many other directions.
And to be honest, I can’t attribute this to any one thing I’ve done. It boils down to this: Simple tasks, done well, yield great results.
Tip 1: Amp up in-person networking.
Now, I know the idea of networking with strangers makes some of you very nervous. And maybe others love the idea of in-person networking, but you're working a job where you can't get away to the traditional meetups. Either way, there are all kinds of virtual and socially-distanced meetups — many at different times of day to best suit your schedule.
Take some time on a lunch break to go and meet in-person with people that are your people. If you are like me and you support women-owned businesses and services, that is really where you want to be, with other business women.
So, that's one big thing I've really made a priority on my schedule — I am going to be in-person to do networking. No more just taking the easy way out.
That being said, in today’s COVID-19 world, online is great too! There are so many Zoom meet-and-greets or business “happy hours” to mingle from home.
Virtual or not, remember you’ve got to be consistent.
Tip 2: Have a set time to do sales-focused activities.
Having a dedicated time in your schedule to focus on sales is a big thing I always preach to my clients and anyone else who will listen. I really have taken this mindset to heart.
There are money-making activities to be had! It could result from the next call, or the next project, or the next collaboration — if you aren’t consistently checking, you’ll never know. I have a block of time on my calendar every single work day that is 100% dedicated to sales and networking.
During that time, sales is the top priority. That's why I list it first! Almost everything else I do is alphabetical when I do a list. Sales is most important to my business, and sometimes it's the simplest thing you can do, like a short follow-up, that you're not doing but should.
I hear a lot of people say they “don’t want to bother them” when they haven’t heard back after a meeting. You're not nagging them if you give them some breathing room before you follow up.
You have a great conversation, you follow up. You send a brochure, you follow up. You have a consultation, you follow up. You send a proposal, or a contract, or an invoice, you follow up.
It's just the natural progression, as well as relationship building. In the follow-up, you can ask questions, you can see where they are, how you know what's going on in their lives.
Life is always going to get in the way, but a short follow-up email or phone call is just another natural way to nurture that personal relationship.
Quick Recap
The combination of these two simple things, in-person networking and following up with your leads, have dramatically increased my business this year.
Thanks to the systems and processes I have in place, plus a wonderful team of virtual assistants to help me with all of it. The front end of my business where once people are aligned with the support that we offer, and that's something that they need, and that's a natural fit.
Then it just makes sense that moves you know to the next step. So, I am so excited, even though, if you can see it's snowing, again, that I am warm and cozy and happy that I can provide this advice to, to all of you to do those two things consistently, and you will see results, you will definitely see results.
If you want to talk more about that and strategy and planning for sales for customer relationship for file organization, email me.