Hustle to CEO


One of the best topics of conversation I have with entrepreneurs is all about what it really means to scale and grow a business! And that's really the main focus for a lot of my clients who want to get to a sustainable place. Where they are doing what they love best and the business is running. They are able to take time off, they’re able to take time away from their business.

Side hustle has been a buzzword for a while and my thoughts on this might turn some of you away. But in order to have a successful business, my personal opinion is that you need to focus on the business. What that means is — if you want this to be your job, your income, only for yourself, there's this shift in FOCUS.

When you're doing a side hustle there is a short term need, right? You're paying off a bill, you are providing groceries, or you're providing income for your family so that your kids can do additional things like extracurriculars. You are you're working this side job and you have that short term focus.

Or maybe this dream is for your whole family (and that's a big dream a lot of people have) and that's great! That's a dream that I have for myself — to grow to the point where my husband can either come alongside and work with me in the business or that we have enough stainable income to allow him to do some of his other dreams.

When it shifts in business and you want to create a sustainable, long-term gig and you really want to become serious there's a Focus Shift. You start thinking long term. You start investing in things to truly grow your business like coaching, software, teams, and processes.

And so that's where I see the biggest growth for clients of mine and entrepreneurs that I have been following, studying, and talking with — doing all sorts of research. The shift goes from hustle to you owning the title of CEO! For a long time, for me, that title didn’t sound like an entrepreneur title. I had this strange feeling about it and really what it boiled down to was this. I've really embraced the entrepreneurship lifestyle*.

The term CEO just kind of seemed strange to me, but once I realized that in order to grow my business I have got to think of myself as the CEO. Really what that means is I'm just stepped into the idea of being the manager of my business and treating my business as if it were one of my clients. If you are starting and your flying solo or you have a team, feel that shift from hustling to really thinking of the overall picture of the big goal that you have for your business. When you think of yourself as a CEO in charge there's a lot of growth and a lot of potential and opportunities that open up.

Melanie Albright

Founder and CEO, Bright Moments

Melanie Albright