Summer Break: Keep Your Business Going
We're here. We're on summer break. (YAY!!)
Normally, I come up with a list of things the kids have to do before they do anything else, i.e. video games. This year, I'm asking them to do two simple things every day.
They have pretty much any time of the day to do it. The rest of the day, we have all kinds of activities and other things happening. But this year, we’re keeping things simple.
No points. No allowance. No intricate chore chart, or different rewards for each kid. It's just helping out.
This summer, I'm gonna be talking more and more about what it means to be the mom in your mompreneur business, and how you can make time for the things that are fun, but also keep your business running.
Today, I've got some tips and tricks I use to keep myself in check because I definitely have FOMO — a lot. I want to do all the fun things, but it also becomes overwhelming. In the same spirit of my kids, I’ve only got 3 things I’m asking myself to do every day.
These help me keep my CEO brain on, even when the kids are home all day. There are certain things that I feel are just too important, that you can't get away from.
So, there are certain VIP things on my calendar. Those are the very important pieces of my business.
One of those pieces is actually something my friend calls CEO Time — goal planning, general admin, operations, and those everyday tasks your business can’t survive without. Of all the things on my to do list, CEO time can’t be neglected. If I don't know how things are running and how things are going, checking in with my team, things can go sideways real quick.
From there, I move right into client work. I work with a team, but there are projects that I still play a part in or manage. Without my clients, I wouldn’t be in business. I always make sure to go through every project on my list, check in with my team, and make sure the balls are rolling.
Third, I always have time for sales, marketing, and networking.
Sales and marketing I feel like go hand in hand. I do have help from my team to produce the marketing and make things pretty, but a lot of what I do myself is the content creation so what am I going to write about in these blogs and what we want to post on social media. I also handle all our sales conversations and our sales funnels, too.
Networking is just one of the marketing pieces that I do. But I feel like it's very important to keep things fresh for education for myself. I have a couple different groups that I check in with and meet with, and then I also have a standing weekly appointment for networking purposes.
Those are the three main important VIP pieces, and then everything else that gets scheduled is either a weekly, monthly or quarterly event. But if I can get tasks done in all 3 sections, I can go hang out with my family in the summer sunshine without a shred of guilt.
For this summer, I’m planning to really only work until lunch most days. Now there are certain meetings and things that I have no control over — but for the most part, everything that I'm responsible for is going to be done before lunch so that I have the afternoon to shuttle the kids where they need to go or do those extra things that we have planned. Plus, it’s summer! We deserve some down time, too.